a heads up on whats happening tomorrow night. This is the last of the Southampton qualifiers as we choose the final 3 artists taking part in the Southampton team. These guys or girls will join Gustav, Mr Hicks and Zadok to form the Southampton team for the Secret Wars Euro League.
We've got some great talent coming down on the night. Here's a sneak peak at one of the artists coming down
We've also got Reeps One (UK Beat Box Champion) coming down to perform....you really don't want to miss that
to top it all off we've got Secret Wars Southampton Champion Gustav painting live. He's been away working hard, so we welcome him back onto the main stage for his 90 minute solo show.
We've got DJ R-Kid + friends playing on night, so remember dancing shoes will be needed + a load of drinks offers on the night.
If you're an artist and you're not painting on the night, please feel free to bring a visual CV on disc along with you to hand in. We'll be looking through everything and will make our decision the following week.

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