Well, firstly I have to congratulate Pykee on her victory. That's right, getting straight in there with the result.
I honestly thought Mecha One was going to win the battle as he got off to a good start. Pykee, slow at first was taking her time to make sure her piece was picture perfect. Again, the tail of the Tortoise and the Hare has been re-told Secret Wars stylee!
The first judge went for Mecha one, the crowd vote went to Pykee making it 1-1. The second judge, Buffy from the Soul Cellar assures me her vote was down to artistic preference and not a vote for girl power as she put pykee through to the 2nd semi-final. She'll meet eith Rem 1 DNK or Oliver Harud.
A big shout out to both artists who battled hard and if anyone's browsing the world wide web check out the Mecha One website to see more work and a sweet clothing collection.