Well, firstly I have to congratulate Pykee on her victory. That's right, getting straight in there with the result.
I honestly thought Mecha One was going to win the battle as he got off to a good start. Pykee, slow at first was taking her time to make sure her piece was picture perfect. Again, the tail of the Tortoise and the Hare has been re-told Secret Wars stylee!
The first judge went for Mecha one, the crowd vote went to Pykee making it 1-1. The second judge, Buffy from the Soul Cellar assures me her vote was down to artistic preference and not a vote for girl power as she put pykee through to the 2nd semi-final. She'll meet eith Rem 1 DNK or Oliver Harud.
A big shout out to both artists who battled hard and if anyone's browsing the world wide web check out the Mecha One website to see more work and a sweet clothing collection.
mecha was absolutly robbed!! i thought secret wars was about talent and not a popularity contest. i noticed how you've conveniently missed out pykees f#ck up on her BUBBLE writing (which took up half her space).total resistan pykee!
And if the second judge wasn't biased then why did she put love hearts all round her vote???
yeah ditto on that one complete robfest!
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